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Tips for Course Registration

Tips for Course Registration

4 year plans on Naviance:

Each year the College and Career Center presents guidance lessons all students at each grade level. Part of our curriculum is the creation of a 4-year plan on which is revisited annually. Please note that the 4-year plan on Naviance is simply a tool for student use, not an actual plan viewed by counselors. Though we tediously walk students through the process, and have counselors available for questions, the plan was strictly generated by the student, not school staff, and therefore may not be accurate. It is, however, a great tool to plan ahead for high school coursework, so feel free to make use of it during this course registration process.
A-G Requirements:
A-G requirements are courses students should take in an effort to keep college options open and available.
 For more information about ROP options and opportunities, check out the ROP website.
Other Courses:
If you have questions about other courses, or course descriptions, the EDUHSD Course Info would be a great resource.

How to Register

Online enrollment info for 2025-26

Online enrollment info for 2025-26


    • Steps to Enroll Your Student:
      1. Find your high school using the school locator by clicking HERE or navigating to the school locator
      page at When registering, you may only
      select the school for which you are assigned per your residence.
      **In the case of dual enrollment areas
      where you have the option of two schools, please contact Regi Bryant at (530) 622-5081 x7229 to
      select your preference if you have not done so already.

      2. Gather the following required documents to upload:
      • Proof of Residence: To Establish proof of residency, per Education Code 48204.1, you will need to provide two documents selected from the following options (please note that statements with a P.O. Box are not acceptable): 
        • Property tax payment receipt, rental agreement, or mortgage statement
        • Utility bill (PG&E, water bill, etc.), pay stubs, or completed Voter Registration (online application not accepted)
        • Up to Date Immunization Record
        • Proof of Student Age: Per Education Code 48002, the following documents may be used to
          establish age (Please provide one of the following):
        • Certified or original copy of Birth Certificate, Baptism Certificate, Passport, Affidavit of the
          parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor
        • Parent/Guardian Proof of Identity - Driver’s License, State ID, Military ID, passport
        *If applicable, but not required, please include the following:
        Court documents pertaining to your student such as custody paperwork (signed by judge
        or clerk), guardianship or foster placement paperwork, or restraining orders against any
        person involving your student
        If your student is a current high school student, please provide a current transcript from the former school
        and exit grades (if enrolling during the school year).

        3. Create an account for Aeries Online Enrollment by going to

        Note: Aeries Online Enrollment is not your Aeries Parent Portal. You will need to set up a new Aeries Online Enrollment account.

        For additional information on the enrollment process, please visit the EDUHSD enrollment website at the
        following link
        Use the above steps to guide yourself in registering a student to Union Mine High School.