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Grading Rubrics
General Scoring Rubric
6 - The paper is an excellent composition. It is written clearly and efficiently with effective diction and lively language. It has all or most of the following:
- solid organization
- clear plan and sense of completeness
- clearly defined support which includes effective reasoning, vivid details, and unique insight
- sentence variety and sophistication which enhances impact
- few or no errors
- mature specific vocabulary
- strong voice and tone
- uses prompt as basis for sharing unique insights or creatively develops prompt
5 - The paper is a solid composition. It has all or most of the following:
- coherence between introduction, support, and conclusion
- clearly defined support which includes relevant detail
- few violations in conventions
- a variety of sentence structures
- clear, effective writing
- expanded vocabulary
- fully develops the prompt/thesis
4 - The paper is an adequate composition in all elements but there may be some flaws. It has all or most of the following:
- a clear subject
- a few minor digressions from the plan but no major digressions
- generalizations supported by relevant detail
- some (but not many) violations in conventions
- some expanded vocabulary
- develops the major expectation of the prompt/ thesis
3 - The paper is a minimally adequate composition. It has all or most of the following:
- a subject somewhat related to the topic
- digressions from the plan
- limited support for generalizations
- some errors in conventions which may impede the reader
- common vocabulary
- addresses major intentions of the prompt
2/1 - The paper does not meet minimum expectations. It has all or most of the following:
- unclear subject/absent main idea
- major digressions from plan
- support is simplistic, repetitious, vague, or confusing
- numerous mechanical errors which may interfere with communication
- paper too brief or unfinished
- limited vocabulary/incorrect word choice
- barely addresses intention of the prompt
Career Project Rubric
1. Cover Page and overall professional presentation
2. Cover Letter
3. Resume
4. Application
5. References
6. Interview
7. Reflection
Comparison Contrast Essay Checklist Rubric
5=Excellent 4=Highly Competent 3=Competent 2=Inadequate Response 1=Numerous Errors
Directions: Score each area on a scale of 1-5
Ideas and Content __________
- compares and contrasts subjects clearly
- demonstrates a clear sense of purpose by use of the thesis statement
- ideas are fully developed
- opens with an attention-getting introduction
- ends with an effective conclusion
- includes transitional words and phrases to show relationships
- among ideas and maintain coherence within and between paragraphs
- uses a variety of sentence structures
- sentences are clear and avoid clutter
- correctly uses a multiple paragraph format
- organizes ideas logically, using either Block or Point by Point format
- devotes one paragraph to each main idea
- contains no more than two or three minor errors in grammar and usage
- contains no more than two or three minor errors in capitalization and punctuation
- words are spelled correctly
14-16 = B
11-13 = C
8-10 = D
7 and below = F
Total ______ Comments:
Rubric for Descriptive Essay
5 An outstanding essay is characterized by most of the following:
- Essay begins originally and author masterfully reveals tone through concrete detail.
- Essay presents abundant concrete sensory details with a unique voice.
- Essay is coherent and organization creatively serves the author's purpose.
- Figures of speech are creative and apt.
- Diction is concrete and exemplary, and syntax varied and flows exceptionally well.
- Uses conventions of written English effectively, with no errors.
4 A strong essay is characterized by many of the following:
- Essay begins effectively; tone is clear, but voice is less compelling than in a 5 essay.
- Essay presents numerous concrete sensory details.
- Essay is coherent and organization serves author's purpose.
- Figures of speech help to convey author's tone adequately.
- Diction is concrete and above-average in maturity. Syntax is varied, but flows less well.
- Uses conventions of English language effectively, with only a few minor errors.
3 An adequate essay is characterized by many of the following:
- Introduction adequately engages reader.
- Essay presents some concrete sensory details of setting and character, but imagery less effective than in a 4 paper.
- Essay is reasonably coherent, but plan may be flawed, and essay may have small areas of confusion.
- Essay employs figures of speech, but they are hackneyed.
- Diction is accurate but pedestrian. Syntax flows less than a 4 or 5 essay.
- May contain several minor errors in English conventions, but these errors do not impede the reader’s understanding.
2 An inadequate essay is characterized by many of the following:
- Introduction does not adequately lead reader into story, nor is theme/reflection clear.
- Essay may present some concrete sensory details, but subject is not adequately described.
- Essay is incoherent in areas, and plan does not serve author's purpose.
- Essay does not employ figurative language.
- Some diction may be nonstandard or inaccurate; may contain a few sentence errors.
- Errors in English conventions impede the reader’s understanding.
1 A limited essay is characterized by many of the following:
- Introduction does not address the prompt or lead reader into the story; there is no attempt to develop theme/reflect on events narrated.
- Little or no concrete sensory detail is provided.
- Essay is incoherent and difficult to follow; there is little evidence of an organizational plan.
- Essay does not employ figurative language.
- Essay contains numerous sentence errors, and nonstandard or inaccurate diction abounds.
- Makes many errors in English conventions to the point of inhibiting reader understanding.