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Reading Strategies



Teachers often tell me that they dislike group work because one or two students end up doing all of the work. I eliminate this problem by requiring that students complete a graphic organizer or some other artifact before moving to groups. Those students who can not demonstrate that they have read and processed the assigned material are not allowed to take part in the activity. No evidence = No group work. This strategy generally works and this is a great way to cover ground on a 4 x 4 schedule without sacrificing the curriculum.

The Storyboard Graphic Organizer works well with a variety of assignments and subject

areas. The squares can be used to draw symbols, concepts, or pictures.



Jig-sawing is a problem solving process that utilizes cooperative learning groups. In this process, each student becomes an expert in one area of the assigned reading; he then shares his expertise and learns about the expertise of others by participating in a second group.
Part I - Individual Work

Part I - Individual Work

  • Determine number of groups (6 works well) and divide chapters or pages evenly
  • Students read assigned material and complete storyboard, summary, or notes. Other options: double entry reading log, quotes and notes etc.
  • Students write questions for the expert group--things they did not understand
Part II - Expert Groups

Part II - Expert Groups

  • Students move to expert groups to check for understanding of the assigned material
  • Students discuss questions generated by the reading and make sure that each person in the group is an expert on the assigned material
  • Teacher gives each student in the expert group a number from 1-6
Part III - Jigsaw

Part III - Jigsaw

  • Students move to jigsaw group to review all of the reading from all of the groups. There will be an expert for each chapter or pages in each group.
  • Call out time to switch to new expert or give students a time frame to complete the activity
Part IV - Assessment

Part IV - Assessment

  • Graphic Organizer, Quiz, Test, Wrap Around, Class Discussion, Summary