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Online Writing Lab
- To provide a resource for teachers to instruct students in Writing across the Curriculum using the rhetorical modes: exposition, argumentation, narration, and description
- To provide students with a resource to use as they complete writing assignments across the curriculum
- To provide parents with a resource to better understand UMHS and college writing expectations
- To provide students, teachers, and parents with additional links to viable OWLS and other sites for assistance in these modes and in Writing across the Curriculum
- To provide students and their parents with information about the process of completing college and scholarship applications
- To provide teachers, students, and parents with strategies to support Reading across the Curriculum
What does the OWL include?
What does the OWL include?
- An introduction to the craft of writing (The Rhetorical Square)
- Power Point presentations for the four rhetorical modes
- Handouts to support the Power Point Presentations
- General writing concerns/tips
- Basic information for each mode of discourse
- Graphic Organizers (T-charts, Venn Diagrams, Outlines) to be used for pre-writing
- Peer-editing sheets
- Rubrics for final assessment
- Grammar Links
- Reading Strategies
- College Preparation Guides