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2024-25 ASB Officers
2024-25 ASB Officers
Congratulations to the ASB officers for the 2024-25 school year at Union Mine High School:
ASB President & Vice President :
- Kensington Dunbar, ASB President
- Garret Seger, ASB Vice President
- TBD, ASB Treasurer
- TBD, ASB Secretary
Senior Class President:
- Ethan Herr, Senior Class President
- Jordyn Tuggle, Senior Class Vice President
Junior Class President:
- Arianna "Lucy" Diaz, Junior Class President
Sophomore Class President:
- Morgan Williamson, Sophomore President
Freshman Class President:
- TBD, Freshman President
Rally Commissioner:
- Aubrey Trevino
ASB Teacher/Activities Director: Lauren Gutierrez
- Email contact: lgutierrez@eduhsd.k12.ca.us
umhs asb on youtube
umhs asb on youtube
Check out the UMHS ASB Student Leadership on YouTube to view the weekly video bulletins.