- Students
- College & Career Center
- UMHS School Clubs
- Student Activities Info
- UMHS WebStore
- The Weekly Rattler Bulletin
- Student Handbook
- Request to see AP
- RTI Scheduler
- Teen Wellness
- What Makes a Diamondback
- ASB Video Bulletins
- Computer Policy
- Online Writing Lab
- StudentSquare
- Chromebook Login Info for Students
- Aeries Student Portal Instructions
- Future Students Info
- Graduation & Senior Information

We now have a tool to keep you "in the loop" with all information.
You have heard of "Parentsquare" and now we have "StudentSquare".
Why do you need this? Do you want to know if we will have a late start? Want to keep up with extracurricular events? Receive news from ASB and Leadership?
Get your information updated today!